I started a long post about friendship, taking on the role of being "everyone's mother" and how it relates to business, but it just got too convoluted.
Suffice to say--you don't WANT to be everybody's mother. Trust me.
You can't take care of everyone. Even if they welcome it. First, they grow to expect it. Or outgrow the need and resent you. Plus, at some point, YOU need mothering. But everyone is surprised when you say, "Okay, MY turn!"
"What??" they exclaim. "You're the MOTHER! It's NEVER 'your turn'!!"
Same as in business. If you run around trying to make everybody else happy, don't be surprised if your customers expect that. You set them up for it. Be professional, be polite, and leave doors open. But don't be the doormat. Thanks and a hat tip to Mary Reynolds who wrote me with words of insight, encouragement and support.
On a fun note, another parent told me tonight, "So we have wacky, wonderful kids who seem determined to drive us crazy--all we can do is put on our audience hat and enjoy the show!"
Wise words indeed.
Did I get any work done today?
Come on!! It's SUNDAY!!
(And yes, I got a little work done....)