Channelroll bugfix, RSS continuity

Yesterday my channelroll broke, and began displaying the message: The server returned a SOAP-ENV:Client fault: Can't create item "." because "" is an illegal name. I think I've seen this happen on other sites, but I never got the chance to figure out what it meant until it happened to me. Here's the explanation, and the fix.

The offending URL was:

Some quirk involving the rssify script and the service was (temporarily, I guess) resulting in an empty channel-level <title> element. You can, it turns out, subscribe to a feed whose channel title is empty. But it breaks the channelroll. I've updated the script with the following bolded changes:

for adr in (
scratchpad.subsTried = scratchpad.subsTried + 1;

local(title = adr^.compilation.channeltitle);
local(channelUrl = adr^.compilation.channellink);
local(rssUrl = nameOf(adr^));
local (l);
new (listType, @l);
l[0] = channelUrl;
l[0] = rssUrl;
t[title] = l;
scratchpad.subsGot = scratchpad.subsGot + 1;
scratchpad.subsNotGot = nameOf(adr^) + "," + scratchpad.subsNotGot;


The bad URL was, in any case, apparently obselete. The current one is:

It strikes me that with namespace support for RSS, an element might be added that would enable aggregators to redirect in such cases. This was a problem for me when I switched from to I was stuck doing this:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<rss version="0.92">
<title>Jon's Radio</title>
<link> </link>
<description>Jon Udell's Radio Blog</description>
<copyright>Copyright 2002 Jon Udell</copyright>

<link> </link>
<description>This feed has moved to I've used a client-side redirect (HTTP-EQUIV="refresh") for the home page, but haven't figured out how to do the same for the RSS channel. If you see a way, please clue me in. Otherwise, if you want to keep subscribing to my feed, you'll have to switch your aggregator to the new link. Sorry for the inconvenience! - Jon</description>


I don't see any proposed modules that address this situation, but I can imagine a mod_redir that would go something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:redir="" >
<redir:rssUrl> </redir:rssUrl>
<redir:link> </redir:link>
<title>Jon's Radio</title>
<link> </link>
<description>Jon Udell's Radio Blog</description>

Former URL: