Build your own bookmarklet

Thanks to Andrew Mutch, the LibraryLookup project has added support for a fourth vendor of library software, Sirsi/DRA. The Google technique for service discovery turned up about fifty of these systems. But when Martha Walters showed me the master list of vendors, I remembered Will Cox's number -- 117,418 libraries in the U.S. alone.

Googling remains a useful way to discover services, but it only finds a fraction of four supported systems, and there are many still unsupported. So here's a complementary approach: Build your own bookmarklet.

The idea here is twofold. First, if your library uses one of the supported systems, but isn't listed, you can just generate the bookmarklet you'll need. Second, it provides a framework that can easily include more systems, as people discover and report the URL patterns that can drive them.

Former URL: