Koha and the Library of Congress

I've added a tenth OPAC vendor to the LibraryLookup generator, and this one is kind of special. It's an open source product called Koha, commissioned by the HLT Library in New Zealand. Pat Eyler, the Kaitiaki (Guardian) of the project, told me about it way back in November, and the email got buried in a folder which I didn't revisit until this week. Sorry Pat, but better late than never. Very cool to see an open source OPAC in use.

What got me to revisit my LibraryLookup email folder was a message from David Carter-Tod. It seems that Raymond Yee has been pondering for some time how to write an URL that would address a Library of Congress record. He finally cracked it, and David connected the dots to make a LibraryLookup bookmarklet for the Library of Congress. (Note: the bookmarklet which is the address of the previous link adds three backslashes that Manila evidently swallowed when David posted his item.) Excellent!

Former URL: http://weblog.infoworld.com/udell/2003/05/22.html#a697