A conversation with Dan Thomas and Suzanne Peck about open government

Open government is the subject of this week's podcast with Dan Thomas, who directs Washington DC's DCStat program, and Suzanne Peck, chief technology officer for the city. I first met Dan at our SOA forum in November. Recently he contacted me about an exciting new initiative that soft-launched last week: live data feeds that will enable any interested citizen to track the performance of agencies that deliver city services.

As a proof of concept, I made this quick-and-dirty mashup that projects data about street repaving and gutter repair onto a map of DC. It's exciting to imagine all the ChicagoCrime.org-like application these data feeds will open up, and how much more easily they'll be accomplished when it's not necessary to scrape websites for the data.

Very cool stuff!

Update: Transcript available.

Former URL: http://weblog.infoworld.com/udell/2006/06/23.html#a1475