Here are some details for those who care. I'm no expert on XML namespaces and am still learning the ropes. However, I do currently use XSLT to postprocess my RSS 2.0 feed, which is in turn created by a customized RSS writer. So here's what I did. In the writer, I changed from:

add ("<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:content=\"\"


add ("<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:rss=\"\" xmlns:content=\"\"

Then all RSS elements went from, e.g., <description>...</description>, to <rss:description>...</rss:description>.

This of course broke my XSLT postprocessors, so they had to change from:




And then from, e.g.,

<xsl:template match="channel">


<xsl:template match="rss:channel">

The XSLT postprocessing step was a useful way to assure that the original feed was valid, because it choked until I got things right. Now I've got to check and make sure the feeds produced by the postprocesser are consumable in aggregators.