
Hmm. I'm trying to fix a few things:

  1. force category links to .html rather than .txt
  2. eliminate the ": " in the main template

In order to do so, I'm trying to Publish->Entire Site, since I'm not sure how to push those fixes individually. But, this keeps happening.


What happened

Time Secs
Upstream Can't upstream because "Can't read stream because TCP/IP error code 10060 - Connection timed out." 7:24:55 PM 103.883
Upstream Can't upstream because "Can't find a sub-table named "C:\radio\www\categories\databases\rss.xml"." 7:22:10 PM 8.005
Upstream Can't upstream because "Can't read stream because TCP/IP error code 10060 - Connection timed out." 7:21:32 PM 83.416
Upstream Can't upstream because "Can't read stream because TCP/IP error code 10060 - Connection timed out." 7:19:35 PM 84.015
Upstream Can't upstream because "Can't find a sub-table named "C:\radio\www\images\bg.jpg"." 7:17:41 PM 4.283
Upstream Can't upstream because "Can't read stream because TCP/IP error code 10060 - Connection timed out." 7:16:27 PM 102.116

Former URL: http://weblog.infoworld.com/udell/2002/01/19.html#a16