XSH: A Perl viewing/editing shell for XML

Kimbro Staken was intrigued by XSH, a Perl viewing/editing shell for XML:

In this month's Perl and XML column, Kip Hampton introduces XSH, an XML editing shell, which Kip suggests should become a part of your XML tool kit. [ XML.com ]

At first glance it seems like a pretty odd concept, but I think this should actually be really useful. As an interactive tool it's kind of interesting, but the very interesting thing is that you can use it to build executable scripts to manipulate XML in a pretty simple manner. Apparently it supports XUpdate too, which is a surprise. Not sure why it does given the much more compact language it provides to do the same things. [ Kimbro Staken: XML Database JuJu ]

I'm intrigued also. This looks like the iODBC of XML, an ancient tool that Brian Jepson and I found, when comparing notes recently, we still use.

Former URL: http://weblog.infoworld.com/udell/2002/07/11.html#a335