Here's another LibraryLookup URI template:
Kristen mentioned that the catalogue for the Cheshire County Council libraries is now online and I've worked out the URL that you need to search for books by ISBN number. However, I've not quite worked out the bookmarklet that is needed to lookup the stock location whilst on Amazon pages etc. I've sent the owner of the library lookup site an email so hopefully they will work out what to do next! [ Absoblogginlutely]
Hi Andy. For some reason my email to you bounced, but hopefully you'll see this posting. I've set up your vendor, DS Ltd., in the LibraryLookup generator, and used the Cheshire County Council Libraries as the example. So here's the drill when you visit that form:
Seems to work. Thanks, Andy, for adding this new template! Other DS users just need to swap in the appropriate base URL.
Speaking of book-related bookmarklets, here's a new one:
What does it do? That's the subject of my next O'Reilly Network column, which I wrote this weekend. It will probably run next week. Hint: Think Spring!
Former URL: