Software factories: a conversation with Ward Cunningham and Jack Greenfield

On Friday I had a talk with two of Microsoft's patterns & practices leaders: Ward Cunningham and Jack Greenfield. Ward (along with Kent Beck) ignited the patterns movement with a seminal paper at OOPSLA 1987. Jack developed NeXT's Enterprise Objects Framework (now Apple's WebObjects), was a chief architect at Rational, and is now a Microsoft architect for enterprise frameworks and tools.

The focus of the discussion was Jack Greenfield's notion of software factories -- a way to accelerate the process of codifying software patterns and creating the tools and frameworks that enable people to apply those patterns. In our conversation you'll hear a lot of terminology that may be unfamiliar to you. Some of it was unfamiliar to me too, so I put together this glossary:

Here is the conversation: download (MP3, 54 minutes, 19.5 MB).

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