Zend Platform

Zend Platform Today's screencast features Zend Platform, a new management solution for PHP-based sites. The other voices you'll hear on the screencast (or the companion podcast) are those of Pamela Roussos, marketing VP for Zend, and Andi Gutmans, co-founder and technology VP. Gutmans and Zend's other co-founder, Zeev Suraski, are the authors of PHP's core engine, known as the Zend Engine. The new product, announced today, exploits their expertise with PHP internals to surface to the site administrator what Gutmans calls PHP intelligence.

Topics discussed or demonstrated include:

As with PATH Communications' P.A.M., featured in an earlier screencast, Zend Platform is part of a growing trend toward solutions that help operations teams and development teams collaborate more effectively. Historically, when the ops people noticed slow response time or high resource utilization, there weren't good ways to connect those symptoms to the underlying software and to engage productively with its developers.

It's great to see these collaborative solutions emerging. When they proliferate, though, the the next step -- as Andi Gutmans acknowledges in our conversation -- will be to ensure that we can easily consolidate them.

Video: Flash, 21 min, audio: MP3, 21 min

Former URL: http://weblog.infoworld.com/udell/2005/01/10.html#a1147