A women's magazine pinged me today, asking me to take a quick health survey. I had a couple minutes, and I love the magazine, so I went to their website to answer their questions.
It started out simple enough. It asked me what kind(s) of exercise I did, and how often. I could answer that.
It asked me my cholestrol level. Hmmmmmm....high, but good high.
When was the last time I'd had it checked. I dunno.
What about a mammogram? Oh, yeah. The last time I had one? Um.....
How about a PAP smear? Well, I had one....hmmmm. That long ago?
Bone density test? Uh...
When was the last time I had a complete physical?
How often do I get my hair cut? When I was I due for another?
Well, I knew THAT one, of course. Oh, they are so sly....
When I saw my doctor today, I found out the answers to all these questions, and more.
Do yourself a favor. Don't be a clam. If you are striving to live your best life, make sure you have the strength, the flexibility, the good health and the good habits to ENJOY it as long as possible. For your sake, and for the sake of those who love you.
If you have time to schedule a hair appointment, you have time to do the other stuff, too.