Just when I've been writhing from the guilt of being so unorganized, I hear from not one, but TWO people, in less than 24 hours, who seem to feel I'm not. (Unorganized, I mean. I will probably ALWAYS feel vaguely guilty about something. And I'm not even Catholic, although I've often been told that being born Episcopalian means I'm an HONORARY Catholic...)
One person said she didn't know how I manage to blog so regularly--she can never find the time. The other said she didn't know how I could blog so diligently when she can barely find the time to READ my blog. Maybe, she suggested, my organizational skills aren't as bad as I say.
Hmmm! What a great thought!
It did make me stop and think--what AM I good about taking care of?
1) Since I started taking my blog seriously, I have consistently written an average of 3 to 4 entries a week.
2) Since I've returned to martial arts over three years ago, I have attended classes an average of 3 to 4 times a week.
3) I eat a big salad for one meal almost every single day.
4) I don't think I have ever gone to make something--jewelry, sculpture, a wall hanging--and found out I'm completely out of a supply.
4) I serve on a state professional board which meets in a town over an hour's drive from here. And in seven years of service, I have only missed one meeting a year. (Okay, well, this month I forgot. But the chair has already forgiven me.) Ditto when I serve on a League of NH Craftsmen's committee.
5) I NEVER forget that Tuesday is garbage day.
6) I was going to say that I'm pretty good about doctor appointments and such, but then I looked at the clock and realized I was 10 minutes late to a physical therapy appointment. I'm not kidding.
7) I am the bottom-line person in our house regarding medical care, pet care, housekeeping, socializing, etc.
8) I do manage to keep an address list of retail and wholesale customers, I can pretty much tell if I've paid a bill or not and been paid for an invoice or not. It's mid-October and I have only two special orders still outstanding to do from a list of about 30.
9) I've kept all my book project commitments except for two--out of about three dozen or more. Considering many of these were last-minute or rush assignments, that's actually pretty good.
10) I've never missed a show because I forgot to apply.
11) In twenty-five years, we have never--NEVER--been out of toilet paper.
12) I have never missed a column assignment for CraftsBusiness magazine (now StudioArts magazine.) Of course, it helps that when the editor calls and says it's due TODAY, I'm a fast writer.
13) I do have postcards, catalogs, gift enclosure cards and other support materials all made up and ready to go.
Which reminds me that my website needs updating and I haven't had postcards for my open studio even printed yet.
All told, maybe it's a wash. Some things get taken care of, some things don't. Sometimes I'm punctual, sometimes I'm not. Sometimes the balls get juggled, and some days they don't.
Maybe what's really out of whack is my sense of proportion! Maybe it's just time to admit I'm as human as the next guy, and let it go.